Tag Archives: fiber art workshop

Atelier Gwendolyne Workshop 2

In this 2nd of 4 workshops, you continue working on your canvas. A demonstration of stump work will be introduced.

The artwork paper layout and linen canvas embroidery art in progress
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Atelier Gwendolyne Workshop 4

In this 4th of 5 workshop classes you continue working your embroidery artwork.

Close up of embroidery artwork of Air Goddess
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Atelier Gwendolyne Workshop 3

In this 3rd of 4 workshop classes you continue working on your canvas. A demonstration of bead work will be introduced.

Artwork of the world created in beadwork and french knots
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Atelier Gwendolyne Embroidery Workshop

In this workshop class you learn new embroidery stitches and continue to work on your artwork with the support and guidance of Gwendolyne.

Artwork of the world created in beadwork and french knots
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Artwork of the world created in beadwork and french knots

Atelier Gwendolyne Embroidery Workshop

In this workshop class you learn new embroidery stitches and continue to work on your artwork with the support and guidance of Gwendolyne.

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Atelier Gwendolyne Workshop 5

This is the 5th of 5 workshop classes. Here a demonstration of canvas stretching for framing will be shown. The artwork will be signed, stretched and placed inside the frame.

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Opening UP



I closed my brick and mortar shop in the Fall of 2012. It is hard to believe that was 6 years ago. Change is something we all find hard to accept but it is necessary for us to experience what’s waiting for us on the other side.

I was fortunate to have made the change as my mothers and brothers health were failing and they needed my help. I went to care for my mother while my brother went through cancer treatment. I got the chance to have a close loving relationship with my Mom that allowed us to share our joy and love. She had dementia so not all days were easy. I look back and see those 3 months were a big gift. She passed away the following January.

My last studio at the 401 Richmond building in Toronto, was an amazing place. Visit my studio gallery  to catch a glimpse of out time there. It makes sense to me now, that I feel open with space to become more involved with Gwendolyne Hats. So in November I decided to create this new website on my own and it has been a wonderful experience.

It has refreshed my memories on all the wonderful moments that Gwendolyne Hats gave to me. My love William is still with me but his health has made it impossible to work in the business. I am truly grateful to have his presence in my life as it continues to inspire me and make me grow as a person.

Come this January I am presenting my Fiber Art Workshops again. The classes will be limited to 3 people. Read more about them on my Workshop page.